
Showing posts from September, 2020

If You are in *Christ* , Your Enemies shall Bite the Dust!

Exposing the Dark Series! How a *Fortune 500* Company Serves Molech!

Do You Know that *Leviathan* is real?

Christ was a *Man of Prayer* !

I *Saw* the House of the Evil Ones Destroyed!

In the *Name of the Lord* , I Cut them Off!

I *Declare* and *Decree* Psalms 118:7!

Exposing the Dark Series! The Witch in the *House* who rocked the Cradle!

*Testimony* ! The Deliverance of a Fellow Christian who was Under the Spells!

Only He who does the *Will* of Christ Lives Forever!

Dad and *Mom* ! I Can No Longer Worship Infant Jesus!

Do You Have the *Boldness* of Peter to Step into the Water?

Vision and Revelation of the *Throat Pinned for Sarath*!

Vision and Revelation of the *Two Dark spirits* in Saraths House!