Exposing the Dark Series! The Witch in the *House* who rocked the Cradle!

Exposing the Dark Series! The Witch in the *House* who rocked the Cradle!

Samuel Machado


Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Reigns!


I came across a *reality* where the Person who rocked the Cradle was the one who hurt the crying child. Teena was seduced and led into a Promiscuous life by one of the witches in her own family. Teena's aunt worked hard to destroy the Life of Teena as she wouldn't follow the Secret Satanic cult.


In time, Becky the Aunt and her accomplices met their target to make Teena loose her mind and be a captive. She was hospitalized and Becky attended to her as the caretaker. What an Irony! Every time Teena recovered, they would cast spells against her to make her loose her mind again. And, it created multiple episodes of Hopelessness for Teena.


Yet, in His time, the *Good Lord* showed up. He redeemed Teena by His Own Miraculous ways and set her on high. By His Blood, Our Lord Yeshua healed her and restored her mind. Teena became a Living Miracle. Her enemies were put to shame and the Curses returned upon their own heads. Hallelujah...😃😃😃🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🙌🤲🤲👏👏..


 *Christ is Our Deliverer* ...John 8:36


Samuel Machado


Judges 6:24
