Dad and *Mom* ! I Can No Longer Worship Infant Jesus!
Dad and *Mom* ! I Can No Longer Worship Infant Jesus!
Samuel Machado
Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Reigns!
I was *Once* Led to a Famed Infant Jesus Church
in Bangalore by my Parents. I saw the Idols which were Called Infant Jesus. In
my ignorance, I bowed and kissed it. I was like One of the Billion Plus
Catholics who don't know the Word of God.
Yes. CATHOLICS are *NOT* aware of the Fact we
have to be Born Again and be Baptized in the Spirit. It's by Grace I am
Saves by a Supernatural Vision from Heaven. As i confess my Salvation to my
Relatives and Neighbors, it scars them. They are tied to the Idol worship which
I was tied to. When I spoke the Truth of the Risen Christ who is no longer a
Baby or an Infant, they couldn't accept it. The god of this world has blinded
their eyes from seeing the Truth.
Yet, it's our *Responsibility* to Declare and
Decree the Truth with Boldness...The Hungry Ones will Heed it and will Turn to
the Cross..
*Amen and Amen..*
Samuel Machado
Judges 6:24
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