How the *Gift of Visions* and Praying in *Tongues* worked to Save a Brother From Making Wrong Recruitment?

How the *Gift of Visions* and Praying in *Tongues* worked to Save a Brother From Making Wrong Recruitment?
Samuel Machado

Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Reigns!

As the *Church Prayed in Tongues*, the Holy Spirit rendered a Clear Vision to Brother Matthew for another person who was in the Conference call. Many thousand miles apart, the Spirit of God made them one in Him and revealed the Vision.

In the *Open Vision* , Brother Matt saw a *Coconut Climber* who was recruited by the other brother was a Vagabond and a Pervert. With the end of the Prayer, the Vision was communicated and it was confirmed. Brother George confirmed the Coconut trees in his house and the person he recruits was a suspicion one. He thanked the Lord and the Brother Matt for rendering the Word of Wisdom as a Caution.

The *Lord of Lords* revealed his Caution to Shield the Family of Brother George's family. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit is also used to Shield us. Hallelujah...😃😃😃🙏🏻🙏🏻👏👏🙌🙌🤲🤲..Seek earnestly the Gifts of the Holy Spirit alongside the Fruit...Galatians 5:22..

All Glory to *Christ* Our Lord alone..

Samuel Machado
Judges 6:24
