The Devil lost it again.

I Had a Bouncer Hit Hard my Hand due to Disobedience....
And I had blatantly ignored the warning from the LORD.. I mean: Disobeyed the LORD..

Before the practice began, Our LORD had tweeted into my heart stating: Don't Bat!
I was allowed to bowl yet... And I did well in His Grace..

But the moment I was asked to bat, I failed to say a  straight "NO"....
I was deeply distressed and lacked interest in holding the stick....

Soon, a speedster in the Spirit of the World, knocked my left hand in a vicious pace..
I still have the pain brothers... I was convicted by the Spirit to repent during the ponder.. 

It was a reminder from GOD to never let His instruction low in the sound of men..
The Devil still lost it.. He wanted to kill me... Isaiah 54:17, Psalms 31:15

Samuel Machado
JESUS Loves You the Way You Are!
Judges 6:24

Samuel Machado

Mon, Jan 2, 2017, 7:32 PM
to Samuelrichter2711AlfredmugeshHCLVenkatakrishnanJoshuaJohnsarathAbilashYosuvaashwinpalfeb31987PalaniappanHimanshuJayChadwick
Later during the drive, Our LORD revealed the Plan made by the Liar to cause an accident.....
With the update, We rebuked the spirit in the LORD...

The accident was overthrown... Psalms 121:8, Ps 91:11
The Devil lost it again.. Romans 16:20

Samuel Machado
JESUS Loves You the Way You Are!
Judges 6:24
