I Had a Bouncer Hit Hard my Hand due to Disobedience....1 Sam 15:22

I Had a Bouncer Hit Hard my Hand due to Disobedience....
And I had blatantly ignored the warning from the LORD.. I mean: Disobeyed the LORD..

Before the practice began, Our LORD had tweeted into my heart stating: Don't Bat!
I was allowed to bowl yet... And I did well in His Grace..

But the moment I was asked to bat, I failed to say a  straight "NO"....
I was deeply distressed and lacked interest in holding the stick....

Soon, a speedster in the Spirit of the World, knocked my left hand in a vicious pace..
I still have the pain brothers... I was convicted by the Spirit to repent during the ponder.. 

It was a reminder from GOD to never let His instruction low in the sound of men..
The Devil still lost it.. He wanted to kill me... Isaiah 54:17, Psalms 31:15

Samuel Machado
JESUS Loves You the Way You Are!
Judges 6:24
