It Took Humility to Do It!
It Took Humility to Do It!
Samuel Machado
When Noah built an Ark!
It took humility to do it!
When Abraham left for the Land, which will only be shown!
It took humility to do it!
When Moses appeared before the Pharaoh!
It took humility to do it!
When Mary acknowledged Heaven's Salvation!
It took humility to do it!
When Joseph rode to Egypt!
It took humility to do it!
When Hosea bought back Gomer!
It took humility to do it!
When Esther walked into the King's Chamber!
It took humility to do it!
When Nehemiah rebuilt the walls!
It took humility to do it!
When David Stoned down Goliath!
It took humility to do it!
When Samson gripped the Pillars of Perdition!
It took humility to do it!
When Jeremiah wept his heart out!
It took humility to do it!
When Christ hung for You and Me!
It took humility to do it!
Samuel Machado
His Slave
Judges 6:24
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