The *Holy Spirit* Generation!

The *Holy Spirit* Generation!
Samuel Machado

The *Critical Point* which has affected the Church massively over the Ages from Advancing Ahead is the Failure to *Bend to the Holy Spirit.* Acts 1:8, Joel 2:28

If we *carefully heed* the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospels, we see the Massive Role of the Holy Ghost. Acts 12:24, Mark 3.

We have tried to God's work with *Human mind* which is Flesh in God's eyes, which He detests to the core. *Christ does all His works through the Holy Spirit for the Glory of the Heavenly Father.* If we don't yield to this Vital and Critical Truth, everything we do in the name of ministry will avail nothing in the Fruit level. Zechariah 4:6, Romans 8:7

Church! *The Need of the Hour is to Give the Holy Ghost His Place and Position* in the Assembly. When we do, we will see a nuclear blast of Goodness and Grace overflowing within our assembly.

*Remember,* the Disciples were raised by the Holy Ghost, the First Missionaries were sent by the Holy Ghost. Let us learn to Love Him and Treat Him Gently and Lovingly. Amen.

*Hallelujah! Holy Spirit Reigns!*

Samuel Machado
Judges 6:24
