What God Hates?
What God Hates?
A Haughty eye is a prideful eye. It’s exactly opposite to meekness and humility. It means a person with an eye full of pride who will receive no grace. James 4:6,10, Prov 16:18
A tongue known for its double standards will be cut off mercilessly. If a tongue is not tamed, it will ruin the whole body. Apostle James dedicated a major portion of his epistle in addressing what tongue does. James 3:1-3
A Hand that doesn’t give generously is as equivalent to doing nothing or shedding innocent blood. And if we have known to do good and still don’t do it, it is sin according to the Word of God. James 4:17
A Heart which is not surrendered to Christ completely is still a culpable wicked source. Out of the heart comes all the good and the bad. Prov 4:23, Prov 23:7, Matt 12:34
The feet that doesn’t groove itself with the Gospel shoes is sure to wander. Both the steps and stops of a godly man are ordered by the Lord. A Christian in the shoes of Christ is a Gospel message. Eph 6:12
To speak false witness is to deny Christ and betray Him. It’s applicable even when a brother in Church is judgmental in heart about another. Matt 7:1
The most hated part is the one who brings division for selfish/carnal reasons within the family and the family of families. Remember what happened to Korah.
Samuel Machado
Our God is a God of Love, Grace, Mercy and Compassion without any ounce of doubt.
John 3:16, Lam 3:22, Psalms 136:1
He loves the sinner but hates the sin (to fall short of god’s Standards) in him.
He even died (Life became death) to redeem us from the strength of sin (death to life).
But one thing we often fail to capture is His strong hatred towards sin and wickedness.
He says time and again in His Word, that a person will reap what He sows. Gal 6:9.
He will bless those who obey and curse those who don’t. Deut 28:1
Even if your claims show that you are a Christian, it doesn’t mean that He will overlook on your disobedience.
He cannot be a hypocrite, He is not a man to lie or shower special privileges.
The entire Bible shows one major thing:
God’s continual effort to redeem us from the clutches of sin and the curse it brings (death).
But we often ignore the other part of it. It also shows His awesome sovereignty in letting people do what their flesh drives them to do.
He will wait for a gracious time before He sends out His Judgment upon them. He is a just God and He doesn’t show favoritism. His judgment is immediate and right.
And when we catch on with the character of God, we will truly enjoy in knowing who He is.
I would like to point one scripture on what He hates.
Please lean onto Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.
We as the Church, time and again have to check up our status in Christ.
Therefore let him who thinks he stands be careful that he doesn't fall.1 Cor 10:12
Sam Mac
Judgment starts from the House of God
Judges 6:24
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