Is God in the Earthquake?

Is God in the Earthquake?
Samuel Machado
The Answer is Yes. A Straight Yes. He is in all venues. Gen 1:1
The recent developments around the Globe has brought in  a clear attention to Matthew 24. It's the chapter that teaches on the signs of the Lord's return.
And I am thoroughly excited as a disciple to see the Hand of God rise up in the rising tremors.
I am glad to see the faced fall and remind us that this world will one day come to an end. And God knows how to remind us :). And sometimes he has to choose a quake.
It was three days before the First Earthquake hit Nepal, the Holy Ghost whispered to me on the upcoming devastations. In fact, I didn't take it seriously and overlooked. Everything to my eyes looked pretty normal and steady. But three days later, I saw His Word at work. Matt 24:35, Amos 3:7
It brought me back to the knees for the fallen families and hopeless souls. I quickly remembered how the Lord updated Abraham before His incineration scheme on Sodom and Gomorrah. Even today, He has got His friends who will be shared on the Heaven's decisions as we see in Genesis 18. I hope some of you were updated too.
And the reason He shares is to share His heart and His burden for the perishing. We do clearly see what Abraham did when He received the news about Sodom. He pleaded for the lives of the righteous and we are also called to do the same. We the Church are appointed to intercede for the perishing too. We are in a timeline where Intercession is no longer Intermediary but vitally Indelible.
Do we have a hunger for Intercession?
If not! Our Churches are clearly void of the passion for Christ and His mission. Luke 5:16, Matt 18:19
The nations are rocked and their sleep is lost. The roofs are no longer trusted and the beams that hold the homes are viable threats. And now is the time to move.
Church! The Land is moving. Yes! For one purpose. The only purpose is to move the Church which has become too lukewarm.
The Church has to move and the Spirit of God wont move if we are hungry for the move. Our God wont work alone. He will wait for his son or daughter to heed. Are you the one?
Why are you so entangled on missionary stories and not focused on His mission?
It's a gentle reminder to the Church before the next set of plans are executed from Heaven's List. We will be watching more of action in the coming days. We will be held responsible for both the good and the bad. Matt 5:16, James 4:17
The Awakening is just a tremor ahead.
And the nations are waiting to hear the Good News of Christ.
And let this be seen as an opportune time for the unreached souls.
Come out of the box brethren. Come out of your selfish Christian world and turn to the Scriptures for its call. Matt 28:19,20
And those who claim their call for the city, don't fool yourself. Our call is for the whole world which accommodates villages, towns and streets.
We need to rise up!
We need to turn back from our own paths!
We have to stop building our own homes when the House of God is in disarray. (Read the Book of Haggai.)
We are given a warning here!
Those who have ears to listen! let them rise up!
In Jesus Name! Amen
Sam Mac
Solider in Service
Judges 6:24
