What are the Reasons to Rejoice For a Christian?
What are the Reasons to Rejoice For a Christian?
Samuel Machado
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!
Phil 4:4
This article was inspired by an emotional reaction made by a friend towards a news he received:) He had received a special bonus from his organization which was enthralling to his bones. In fact he was blushing in happiness :)
At that moment, I pondered what will make a committed Christian rejoice.
What made our Lord rejoice and joyous when He was on earth ?
What did Paul rejoice over?
What are the circumstances we see in the scriptures where the Israelite's rejoiced?
Here are some of the findings:
1. Rejoice in the Lord. Phil 4:4, Matt 6:33
The Apostle Paul was in the most horrendous state when he wrote this statement: Phil 4:4.
He was in prison awaiting his sentence under hostile conditions. He was hopeless in human words.
But he was clothed with a garment of joy from heaven.
And that should be our model attitude.
2. Consider it all pure joy when you face trials of all (many) kinds. James 1:2
Apostle James quotes about trials of many kinds to his Jewish brethren who were hunted down for their faith.
He didn't categorize only a few scenarios to rejoice in those adverse times and few to mourn about; but in all the states in Christ.
Apostle Peter goes the length to confess, consider it as highly blessed when they falsely accuse, suffer or persecuted for the faith.
This is also an attitude that is watched out for by the heavenly hosts.
Through the centuries, it is the meek that have inherited the earth.
And as Christians we are called to be meek and weak in the world.
3. Joy (Rejoice) in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17, Gal 5:22
This is the heights of a born again Christian. He is full of joy in the Spirit. He is full of cheer and hope.
He is all the more delightful in all the adversities. He carries a confidence only the cross can provide.
Do you know this joy?
it's like Peter sleeping harshly before his execution day. He was sound asleep without any fear of death.
Do we have this Joy?
4. Be Joyful in hope. Romans 12:12
Our hope is Christ our Lord. He is our hope and glory.
We live in constant hope to meet Him face to face and that leads us to the eternal salvation. Phil 2:12
5. Rejoice always. 1 Thess 5:16-18
Everyday is Easter or Christmas for the converted Christians.
Every hour is a hour of Praise and Worship. No place, no timeline can limit it.
6. Be Glad and rejoice for the Lord has done great things. Joel 2:21, Psalms 126:5
Our Lord's works are innumerable to be thankful about. Job 5:9
As we start to seek and praise, we will find it overwhelming. Lam 3:22
7. Rejoice in the Suffering. Romans 5:3-5, Col 1:24
This is a special category for the diligent. A Christians finds Christ more intimate, passionate and deep in the Suffering.
The Pain and Persecution are ascension and promotion to a disciple.
8. Rejoice in the Salvation. Habb 3:18
Oh! What a Precious flow of the blood!
Oh! He bled and died!
oh! He died to set me free
Oh! How precious is the flow
9. Rejoice in the Cross (Sharing in Christ's Sufferings). 1 Pet 4:13
We will have our set of tribulations and tests till we are eternally promoted. And we will receive a crown at the end.
As our Lord said; we have our crosses. And top of that is His Grace which is all sufficient. Romans 6:14
10. Rejoice in the Death. Psalms 116:15
And when we are truly dead, the Heavens will trigger a rampage of celebration.
it's like Paul said; it is better for me to die and be with the Lord. Phil 1:21, Gal 2:20
I wonder how many Christians knew this truth.
Many are desirous of the world and they have lost their sight. And death grieves them whereas for the ones who were dead once it's different.
Remember the Word says; "Precious in His Sight is the death of His saints"
And i urge you to rejoice in all the above liners and to continue to explore more from the Word.
Sam Mac
Rejoicing in Him
Judges 6:24