Joseph! Joseph! Your Times are in HIS Hands!
Joseph! Joseph!
Awaken Your Heart in the LORD!
Arise and Shine!
For the LORD Shall be Your Glory!
Remember! The LORD Your GOD is not a Man to Lie!
HE Speaks and it Comes to Pass!
With Him a Day is like a Thousand Years!
A Thousand Years is like a Day!
Times are in His Hands! Joseph!
Times are in His Hands!
HE Does Whatever HE is Pleased With!
HE is GOOD in Everything HE Does!
It is the LORD; who Lifted You from the Pit!
It is the LORD; who saved You from False Accusations!
Arise Joseph! Arise!
Believe in the WORD of GOD!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart!
HE Shall Visit in the LEAST Expected Hour!
HE Does Wonders Beyond Comprehension!
Joseph! The LEAST of the Moments Shall be the GREATEST of Your Life!
Remind Your Soul! Remind Your Mind!
Harken Your Heart to the Promises of GOD!
Surely! Your HOPE Shall Not Be Cut Off!
Your Times are Prosperous in His Hands!
Samuel Machado