Hosea! Hosea! Your Times are in HIS Hands!

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Hosea! Hosea!
Hope in the LORD Your GOD!

He who Trusts in the LORD Shall Prosper!
The LORD Shall See You Through!

The GOOD LORD Shall Stand in Your Midst!
HE Shall SAVE You Forever!

Gomer Shall Surely RETURN!
The LORD Your GOD Has Spoken!

You Shall Buy Back Her Back from all the Pain and Agony!
Your Sorrow Shall Turn into Joy!

Your Children Shall REJOICE in You!
Your Life Shall TESTIFY of the LORD's GOODNESS!

Your HOPE in the LORD!
Shall Stand a Witness Forever!

The LOST Shall See the LIGHT in You!
Israel Shall Surely Return!

Your LOVE for GOMER!
Will be the Witness, Hosea!

Your COVENANT of LOVE Shall Remind the BARREN LAND!
Israel Shall RETURN to Her Husband! Her Maker!

Hosea! Your Times are in His Hands!
You Shall be Prosperous Forever!

Samuel Machado