David Had a Praying Heart in the Court of Madness !!!

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In Fear of Saul! 
David Fled for Life!

Into the Land of Gath!
A Foreign Land!

In Enemy's Lines!
David was Stopped!

With Goliath Sword!
David was Caught!

A Pounding Heart!
And Shaking Knees!

David Prayed!
In Heart and Soul!

Pretending Madness!
David Foamed in Folly!

In the King's Presence!
Was Declared Insane!

David Knew!
It was the LORD who Saved!

Not the Madness!
Nor the Smartness!

In Songs of Praise!
David Declared it all!

Praying in Heart!
He was Saved by the LORD!

Samuel Machado