Daniel! The Praying Israelite!

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When Daniel was Led a Captive!
He Sought the LORD Of Israel!

When Daniel reached the Foreign Land!
He Cried Out to the LORD of Hosts!

When Daniel was Placed Under the Unction of the King!
He Vowed to Follow the LORD and His Commands!

When Daniel was Chosen to Serve the FOREIGN King!
He Pleaded Grace and Mercy Unto the King of Kings!

When Daniel was Appointed to LEAD the Wise Men if the Land!
He Prayed to the LORD of Wisdom!

When Daniel was Tested in the LION'S Den!
He Stirred the Heart of Prayer!

When Daniel was Lifted and Proved!
He Glorified the LORD of Glory!

When Daniel was Cast in the Dark!
He remained Faithful to the LORD of LORDS!

When the KING Needed a Decoder of the LORD's Finger!
Daniel Opened the Heart to Wisdom!

When Daniel Lived!
He Prayed and Prayed!

When Daniel was Promoted!
He Prayed and Prayed!

When Daniel was Side-Lined!
He Prayed and Prayed!

When Daniel was at Work!
He Prayed and Prayed!

When Daniel was at Rest!
He Prayed and Prayed!

Daniel! A Praying Israelite!
Stands an Example in the HOLY BOOK!

Samuel Machado