Abraham! Abraham! Your Times are in HIS Hands!
Abraham! Abraham!
Lift Up Your Eyes to the Hills!
The Hill of Hope! The Living Mountain!
The LORD Your GOD Shall be Your Strength and Your Shield!
The LORD Your GOD Shall Lead You through the End!
HE Shall be Your GOD Forever!
You Shall Not See the Wind! You Shall Not See the Rain!
Yet! Your Barns Shall be Full!
Your Son Shall REIGN In Your Place!
Your NAME Shall be GREAT among the Nations!
Abraham! Abraham!
Your Faithfulness Has Delighted the LORD of LORDS!
His HEART Rejoices Over You!
Remember the LORD Your GOD Whom You Serve!
Let Your Walk be Blameless before Him!
Don't Trust Your Own Senses!
Don't Listen to the Voices of the Flesh!
Turn Your HEART to the WORD of GOD!
Trust the WORD of Truth and Salvation!
Sarah! Shall Bear Your Child as the LORD Has Promised!
Yes Abraham! You Shall See the HOPE!
Your FEET Shall Enter the PROMISED LAND!
HOLD On! Hold On to the CROSS!
LOVE the LORD Your GOD with all Your Heart!
In the LEAST Expected Moment! HE Shall Show Up!
Yes Abraham! HE Shall!
Your Times are Prosperous in His Hands!
Samuel Machado